Hosted Property Management 
Type:  Airbnb Property Management Business
Contracted:  Full website, all content and graphics, logo
Tools:   Squarespace, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flixel
"Elena was awesome to work with! She worked fast and clean. And she's been on the ball whenever we've needed updates or changes. She also built out our entire brand! Excellent creative leader and designer."- Hosted Property Management
SHop the Health Loft By Dr. Stephanie,
contracted by giovanni Marisco, Archangel summit founder
Type: Online Supplement Store
Contracted:  Website design, strategy and support 
Tools:   Shopify, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Excel
Type:  Brand, e-commerce, retail company, profit for purpose
Contracted:  Full website, ongoing updates, all content, products, transactions, plug-ins, blogs and graphics. 
Tools:   Shopify, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Illustrator, After Effects, Lightroom, Flixel
Wandering Lauren
Type:  Travel Blog
Contracted:  Website set up and support, logo, 
Tools:   Wordpress, Custom Theme, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
"Elena is AMAZING! Knew her stuff, and just really great to work with. Great human."
- Lauren Bensadoun
[site no longer available]
Type:  Flash Holiday E-commerce Site
Contracted:  All graphic design, website set up, logo, video, marketing, FB Ads
Tools:   Shopify, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects

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